2. Matter

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All physical bodies in the universe are made up of matter such as galaxies, stars, planets, rocks, water and air. Living organism like plants,animals and humans are also composed of matter. In addition to its rest mass, matter can contain other forms of energy, which aren't matter but allow them to interact with each other by exchanging kinetic energy, heat energy, light energy, sound waves etc. Usually, the matter which mentioned above are baryonic in nature, that is composed of baryons particles like protons, electrons and neutrons. Matter can be directly experienced through the senses. It has properties which can be measured such as mass, volume, density and qualitative properties such as taste, smell and colour.
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In physics, the universe contains things that aren't matter, including some elementary particles that have no mass such as photons. There are some matter in universe which are non-baryonic in nature which are not composed of baryons and such non-baryonic matter are neutrinos, dark matter and black holes.
